Monday, May 9, 2011

A Huge Difference on the Outside

Mike and Jim came up to the cabin to help with the siding. Mike and I worked up on the plank while Jim cut the pieces and passed them up to us.

We got a good portion of the siding up on Friday, but Saturday started with rain. We changed plans and decided to put in the waste/vent plumbing to stay out of the rain. That kept us out of the rain for the most part, and now we're ready for the holding tank installation that should happen in a
few weeks.

Sunday we woke to snow. Snow! In May! In spite of the snow, we tackled the siding up on dormer, and we got most of it done before Mike and Jim had to leave.

The following weekend I went up alone and finished up some details - a little more siding and a lot of staining. I also installed a toilet, so we'll be completely ready to go once Larry gets the tank in. I never thought a toilet would look so good.

The lake was showing some signs of spring. There were several pairs of ringneck ducks and a few mallards and wood ducks. A pair of swans showed up and made a lot of noise. And a single loon called for a good part of one morning.

With the siding and stain on, I think the cabin looks great!


  1. It does look great! Way to go!

  2. Your cabin looks awesome, and you did most of it all by yourself. You are amazing! Can't wait to see it in person. It will be such a fun place for your family to escape to!
